In 33 years of doing tours of Downtown Nashville we have experienced many wonderful sights and opportunities to learn. There is no person and no experience from which we cannot take away something of value, including the flying port-a-potty we witnessed one day.  It was great! 

This 2020-2021 school year promises to look very different from past years.  My thoughts and well-wishes are abundant for all you marvelous teachers, students, and parents as you try to navigate this most unusual path.  What an amazing time in history we are living.  May we learn our lessons well and pass them on to future generations. 

This year, I'll Take Tennessee will be offering Tennessee History ZOOM talks.  It won't be fancy, it won't be high-tech; it will be good information delivered in an interesting narrative, for seriously, how can history be anything but exciting?

My hope is that this will be helpful, particularly to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers as they teach to state standards.  It is an odd time, but it will be exciting and worthwhile.  
